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Pre-Recorded Messages


Wait for the Beep

There are only a couple guarantees in life, and we believe one of them is that you will get an answering machine once in a while.

That’s okay, because with our Predictive Dialer, you can upload Pre-Recorded Messages that you can then play to answering machines if one gets transferred to you.

You can simply click on “Wait for the beep/Leave message” icon in your Predictive Dialer and the dialer does the rest, while you move on to another call.

We’ll Call You

If you don’t have recording software on your computer to create a sound file, that’s not a problem at all.

You can have the dialer call you to Pre-Recorded Messages. It’s as easy as setting up your voice mail message on your cell phone, so nothing tricky or confusing.

Upload Pre-Recorded Messages to the dialer


See how Playing Pre-Recorded Messages can help!
